Paweł Stolarski

I'm type of scientist, programmer experimenter.
I like to play with code and know what, how, and why it works.

If I need something related to software, I just do it.
If it is a challenge or something new -- it only encourages me.

Small and trivial miscellaneous

Gif creator

Simple GIFs creator made when I wanted to learn how are built .gif files formats


The structure able to store huge amount of points and able to return them from big area with an eficiency of O(log(n))

Quadtree template

The structure that stores references to geometric figures (in current implementation only points)

Projects that say something about me


I like to mark a things I create with specific logo -- the Cactu brand. Perhaps someday somebody will want to make something with me under common sign, so I consider it appropriate to sign the projects with a trademark connected with my name. In addition, the logo has been prepared so that it is easy to reproduce with vector graphics (it was made in that graphic). It makes marking creations with it (for example, by inserting into footer) very easy, unlike to my non-vector eye-like avatar.

Discord bot

All have been started from starting small community. Over time I became interested in the API provided by Discord platform. This is how the discord.js based framework was created. Currently with the help of that bot I automate everything I need. From unambitious text-to-text responses, thought graphic editing, to querying external APIs.

3D graphics engine

I don't like to use libraries or frameworks if I don't know what is inside. What makes what is happening. As i wanted to learn Three.js library for drawing three-dimensional things, the lack of the ability to draw in 3D by myself bothered me. So, I decided to make my own primitive 3D engine as part of my warm-up. Same with others technologies -- if I don't know how it works, I have inner need to find out.

This website

I program basically everyday. I have many ideas, the willingness to learn even more. Many small works have been lost because I didn't have Github account, or saw no point in to upload projects to it. Finally, I decided to make a website that I would be happy about, and where I could run my devlog (polish only, sorry; but maybe in the future...).

My recent entries

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